As usual the kiddies want to play. Last two rumors going around are that a laptop computer I had set up in the front of the Legion was a surveillance device. (Rumor started by my X-Second in command Judy) I guess she thought I wanted to catch people picking their noses or something? It was actually there to play music on. (She wasn't even qualified to be a member much less an officer)
Second rumor is that I hear voices. Hum... I wonder why they haven't told me that I was supposed to be hearing them. Sounds more like who ever started that one may have a few voices rattling around in their head.
Now supposedly I've insulted two other people which is Bull Shit, but if this crap keeps coming up I'm sure I can do that in a big way.
Grown people acting like spoiled 3 year old kids is the way I see it.
We got to talk with a new neighbor and talk a bit about his plans for his
rig. He has a good bit of effort in front of him bu...
6 hours ago