Foliage is trying to over grow my dam. That's ok though might help it hold water. I still need to extend it about another 20 feet to ever have a good sized pond after rains.
The Lechuguillas are doing good as is everything else after the wet winter. I tried my best to find some of the other types of cactus that I have seen here before, but this is a big place and I couldn't remember where I'd seen them before so maybe later? (Probably after the blooms are gone) Grrr.
Below are my Range Extenders. (Crutches I picked up off the porch at the legion) They have extended my range of hunting by a bunch, but now I need a back pack and folding stool to be able to do much now days.
And below is a picture of the target I'm using now. I was shooting an M1 Garand from almost 100 yards away using open or battle field sights. (No Scope) I love those M1 Garands!
We finally after several years got to visit with an experienced truck
camper couple and closely examine a truck camper. To ou...
9 hours ago