I was wondering when it was going to happen to me / Us after my neighbor and his 16 year old daughter were singled out and harassed by the border patrol about a month ago. Welp... It happened this morning on the way in to Alpine to take Frann and Denese to catch the Amtrak. First I was asked if we were US citizens and I said Yes. Then I was ask if we live in Terlingua. My answer was again Yes. Then I was asked how long I'd lived down here and I told him 2 years. Next he asked if we had gotten any rain lately and I said yes we got sprinkles yesterday.
Next thing I know we were told to roll up all of the windows and exit the vehicle. We did and then I was asked if I had any Knives?? or weapons on me and my answer was NO. Keep in mind that the dog did NOT alert on the vehicle. We were then told to go over to a metal bench with an expanded metal seat and sit down. It was in the sun of course. There were a couple of chairs there and Frann and Denese moved them over to the shade and sat down. Nothing was said about that, but one officer stood to the side of us while a couple more were to the other side and one with a dog began tapping in different places on the jeep. The dog would jump up to where he had tapped. Next he opened the driver's door and let the dog in. It went through the whole vehicle both front and back and didn't alert anywhere. He got the dog out and went to the back opening the back hatch and put the dog back in there. It had already been there. Again it didn't alert!
Next he pulled Denese's bags and belongings out of the back seat where she had been sitting and then put them on the ground for the dog to sniff out and he searched the bag and her purse. Again the dog did NOT alert. The dog was lead around to each of us and again didn't alert to any of us. Next one officer walked up to me and told me to stand up so I did. He then said he was going to search me for weapons so I said What ever. Woo Hoo! Never been through that before. Can't say that I liked it at all either. After that Denese's stuff was put back in the jeep and we were told we could go. I call this BS how about you?
Oh Yeah!
I was so pissed about that I almost forgot.
Got a new tire at Oasis Tire in Alpine. I asked about a used one and they didn't have one the size I needed so I priced a new one. Total was $97.38 mounted, balanced and included Tax. I doubt that I could have gotten one cheaper in Odessa at Walmart so I got it. Frann and Denese each kicked in $20 on the tire so it just cost me .$57.38. On top of that Denese sprang for lunch and paid for enough gas for the trip up there and back. Now If I'd known that were going to happen I'd have packed a bag and headed for Odessa, but I didn't so here I am. I won't gripe though.
Below is another one of the huge whirlwinds we have down here. That house you see out there is a house with an airplane hanger beside it so that should give you an idea of how big that whirlwind is.
Just had a brief rain storm and got another 1/10th of rain out of it. Sure was a relief because it was a damn hot and humid day with very little breeze at all. It cooled down from 105 in here to 95 pretty quick and is now at 92. See the picture of the rain coming below. It was coming from WAY UP THERE!
A nice but cloudy day greeted us today and made for a good day for
enjoyment of the outside. But we did not get any pictures t...
11 hours ago
frann is bad luck
ReplyDeleteBeen through there many times with Frann and never had a problem with it before.
ReplyDeleteI guess they didn't have a female officer on duty since Frann and Denese didn't get the personal search?
ReplyDeletedid u wear your bandito hat?
ReplyDeleteWow! All this in the land of the free...
ReplyDeleteNo Nick, I didn't.
ReplyDeleteHCS, I'd doubt they had a warrant, but being part of Homeland security I suspect they can do about anything they want to. (Like it or not)
TFT this hasn't been the land of the free for many years and its getting further from that all the time.
ReplyDeleteI guess I would have gone to jail.
ReplyDeleteFourth Fricken Amendment!
Say no politely and say unless I am under arrest, you do not have the right to search me.
They can search the vehicle and belongings, but they do not have the legal right to search your person unless you are being arrested.
In the state of Texas, it is unlawful for a peace officer to search your person unless you have already been arrested i.e. Drunk Driving etc.
at worse what are you going to get, a couple a days in jail. Non-violent offenders are let go by our court systems pretty easily. The wont have a charge if you are doing nothing wrong and the arresting officer will get his ass chewed for taking up the courts time.
Unless we put a stop to this, the border patrol, will start checking houses without search warrents.
This is a major constitutional infringement.
Know the law, know your rights. Give Big Brother the Middle Finger!
CC, visit these sites and read. You will find that we, you and a lot of other people are in the constitution free zone. The BP can do about anything they want to without a warrant. IF you resist then you probably go to jail, they concoct false charges against you or worse.
I don't think it would do any good to complain to congress because they have us right where they want us.
Its basically like going through a gate at an airport.
Also see Natzism
ReplyDeleteAt the check point in west texas on I-10 I refused a search in 1993. I had initially told them when ask where I was going that "it was none of their business". The officer about shit a brick but he knew I was right. I told him that I had answered the question about citizenship and that was all that is required. Where I had come from and where I was going was none of their business. They put the dog in my van anyway.
ReplyDeleteThe Bill of Rights went down the toilet a long time ago with the rest of the toilet paper and I was surprised that they didn't beat me and throw me in the ditch.
You have no rights unless you have a great deal of money and are well known. If you have a great deal of money (over a $100)and are unknown then the money is confiscated, you are jailed as a drug suspect and your vehicle is impounded and you never get it back. Charges are then dropped and you will be set out on the curb with the trash.
You have no rights unless the press is watching and maybe not even then.
This is never going to change for the better.
Oldfool, and that was a long time before 9/11 and things have gotten a lot worse since then.
ReplyDeleteBTW High wind and rain here now.
I've also heard that game wardens can search without a warrant. Giving them lip with legal stuff I think is also a good way to be there for hours. I've got a good used tire I might be able to bring my next trip and let you have. It's a 235/75/15. What size do you have? I believe that should fit a Cherokee.
ReplyDeleteYes they can John. They have been known to enter private property down here to see what people are BBQing.
ReplyDeleteDon't need a tire now and will try to start buying new ones when I do need them. Used ones don't normally hold up.
I dont mean to sound like a nut, but this erosion of our rights has got to stop. People ar going to have to take a stand. When the game warden shows up to see whats being barbecued. I ask him politely to get a search warrent. When I go to Terlingua next time, I think I will buy a $500 car and fix it up so if it gets confiscated, then no big deal if I go to jail for awhile. Henry David Thoureau spent a some time in jail for a just cause. I think I can too (I done this before, its called boot camp)
ReplyDeleteI don't think our rights can be eroded any more. We don't have any rights to erode now.
ReplyDeleteThe only way to get this country back on track is for everyone that supports the constitution to pick one of the many greedy AH's that has brought this country to its knees and communicate with them with extreme prejudice. (Not likely to happen)
Morning to you amigo. Glad you found a tire.
ReplyDeleteI used to go to Mexico to buy my blood pressure and another daily medication I take, but finally the hassle just led me to order them from India and Canada. Those folks running the border get as much satisfaction hassling US citizens, particularly old ones going down to buy prescriptions at a reasonable price, as they do fondling their guns and badges.
I'm going to be posting my first damned angry blog post about the subject of old folks, prescriptions at a reasonable price and border guards fairly soon. Got it on the schedule.
Sofar, we were also asked if we had any prescription drugs with us and No was the answer to that from all three of us.
ReplyDeleteI have heard of people who did have prescription drugs (written and bought in the US) being hassled because the prescriptions were out of date.
I don't carry a pocket knife, but I now wonder what they would have done IF I had one with me and said yes? Last I heard it was legal to have a pocket knife in any state in the US? Its also legal here in Texas to carry a firearm or firearms with you when you are traveling. What are they doing? Pulling inspectors out of the airports and putting them in Border Patrol uniforms down here? Is it going to be a regular thing for citizens to be searched on the way back from here. The tourist industry down here is suffering extremely bad now as is so what will happen when people that would come down here know they may go through crap like we did when they head back north. Answer would likely be that far less people would vacation down here which will further hurt the resorts, merchants and people who earn a living down here.
captain crunch: A prudent, responsible person is careful about giving advice when he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Not to suggest anyone's going to follow your advice, but they might follow your attitude, which is just as potentially catastrophic on a personal experience level as your advice.
ReplyDeleteUnless, of course, a person feels the need of a new and refreshing growth and learning experience along with volunteering to get on the radar.
Empty gestures are great to bluster about but they aren't always as fun as falling off a windmill because you didn't think the wind was blowing.
I am sorry you had to go through that ordeal. Living along the border sooner or later you find yourself in that situation. Especially if you are coming back from Mexico they want to know what the purpose of your trip was, how long you were there, if you are bringing back more than $10,000 in cash, etc, etc. Ofcourse those are ICE officials not Border Patrol.
ReplyDeleteIn the BP check point going to San Antonio on highway 90 East I quit telling them I was going to Houston because it is as though a light goes on and they bombard you with questions. I just say I am going to Uvalde and safe myself the frustration.
Wanted to add that their computer tells them exactly how long you were in Mexico because when you pay your crossing fare in the US to enter Mexico they take a picture of your license plates.
ReplyDeleteIf you have a newer passport it has a smart chip and they already know who you are even before you reach an agent. As far as money is concerned they also have the technology to read the bar code of how much US currency you have with you.
If you can help it because a lot of times the lines are long and you can not tell who the officer is, avoid WOMEN agents they are the worst (and I say that in the most respectful way).
MsB, We weren't coming back from Mexico and hadn't been there. I haven't been to Mexico in at least 40 years. (even though I live a short distance from it now) We were going from Terlingua Ranch to Alpine.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the BP or what ever else agency goes. They had someone who would back them up if they got in trouble and I could help. That was until yesterday! If I ever see a need to help them out from now on that ain't likely to happen.
A small video camera in someone's car, so you could send those clips to the media might help remind them what their jobs are. I think that is the only thing that would help the situation.
ReplyDeleteI always carry a pistol and a couple of knives. (I di have a CHL) In answer to the old question, "What are you afraid of?" Answer?..Nothing. I am going to write an essay about what to say and what to do when stopped like that.....Stay tuned!
ReplyDeleteWhen asked where are going...just say North!! None of their business!!
Having a great time in Houston. We have the truck!!
You need to camp across from the checkpoint for about a month on the way back so they will recognize the pickup when you go north.
ReplyDeleteGood link and you might want to read it again. it says they CAN ask you where you are going. It also says not to harass them!!!
BTW Robert said Lanette got stopped at a check point between the ghost town and SB manned by the deputies and Paul was the one doing it. She said he IS checking for insurance, registration and so on (Including locals) Hers was checked and he knows she is legal.
ReplyDeletetffnguy, read this...
Lou, After my neighbor telling me about him and his daughter putting up with that I told him I thought it would be good to get one of the solid state recorders and keep it in my pocket when I went through. Also told him I thought I'd show it to them and ask them if the could see the gleam of the TV camera down the road. Of course I didn't really think I would be going through that though. Little did I know...
ReplyDeleteBTW according to him the differences between them being searched was they were asked for their driver's license and we weren't. That and I got the pat down search and he didn't. The rest was pretty much the same as far as the search went, but they were hassling his daughter because she didn't have a driver's license. She is 16 years old.
Michael, if I'm going to be gone for a while I usually have my 380 with me, but don't carry knives. (not even a pocket knife) However, with some of the BS the fedarales are pulling now days I think they can bust you for lying to a border patrol agent if you say you don't have one on you and it turns out you do. All I see the print out you suggest giving them is pissing them off and I think we both know they will do all of that anyway.
I guess the Border Patrol is a little on edge since they found out about Operation GunRunner and how the ATF is sending weapons to Mexico. Now they are overcompensating like somehow it will bring back the their two dead agents or the 33 Barett .50 Cal that Eric Holder sent to the Mexican Drug Cartel.
ReplyDeleteMatt, I guess only they know what the reasoning is behind all the BS.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I do what ever the heck they tell me to do. I don't believe there are any rights left, even for U.S. citizens and if you mess with them vaya con dios amigo. Your guns won't do anything but get you in trouble with these guys.
ReplyDeleteLinda, as far as doing what they tell me to do I'll do that (with in reason), but as far as having my 380 with me that will happen when I'm traveling. I won't have it on my person, but it will be in the vehicle. It is legal and registered to me so I don't think they can do anything about it. If ask again if I'm carrying any weapons (Knives or Guns) I'll point out that I have the 380 in the vehicle and go from there. I might even get a Bowie knife just to have it in the vehicle to. Hope they like it! Should they confiscate either I'll know for sure that this country is totally lost.
ReplyDeleteBorder Patrol arrested.
Don't go with a Bowie, illegal in TX of all places!!
ReplyDeleteThey sell them in Texas Lance. Now how do they get away with that? Maybe I'll just carry a chainsaw, but they would probably consider that a weapon of mass destruction?
ReplyDeleteBTW I just heard that Rick Perry has decided to run for president. I'm not a Rick Perry fan, but I think a monkey would be better than the present administration.
ReplyDeleteYou can collect a Bowie, just can't carry one. The law actually calls it out by name. No double edged knives either, or daggers. Like so many other laws it's seems rather vague in ways so that if you're not careful you can get wrapped up on the wrong side without trying.. or if someone's got it in for ya...
ReplyDeleteWell I guess I better do some research and find out what's barely legal and go with that. Just more BS laws me thinks.
ReplyDeleteI heard where two more border patrol officers got busted here in Texas for accepting bribes.
ReplyDeleteThose criminals (the BP) get away with violating your rights because you allow them too. They cannot search you or your vehicle without probable cause. You do not have to answer any of their questions and should not. You should be ready to defend your self and your rights from their criminal activity.
ReplyDeleteThey are violating your right to travel as well.
Always lock your vehicle when exiting and never allow them to enter or even touch your vehicle. It is private property. They need a warrant to search it and they need probable cause to get a warrant and to detain you.
As soon as they ask you what country you are from the first hing you say is "Am I being detained? Am I free to go? You are violating my fourth amendment rights." Never answer their questions. Never agree to a search.
2 Dogs, do a search on constitutional free zone before you try that. The BP can do about anything they want to and get away with it down here.