Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Was 116 earlier.




  1. It was even over a hundred over here in East Texas, too. And we have humidity to go with it. Everything is wilting. We have not had rain in a long time.

  2. DD, Its been mighty humid around here lately and actually rained a little this afternoon.

  3. How is Shelah handling the heat? Know you have remembered her water, but do't forget to wet her neck thoroughly - helps to cool dogs down and prevent heatstroke.

    Take it easy...

  4. Dani, I guess she is handling it as well as the rest of the dogs in the area. She stays under the cabin while I'm gone (Which is a lot lately because I'm in charge of the legion again and stay there a lot.) I keep ice in her water bowl as much as I can.

    1. David - is Shelah allowed at the Legion (with her water bowl)? 117oF is very hot for dogs - especially given that she has black fur...?

      Ice in her water bowl will probably melt before she can get the benefit... :}

    2. Dani, no she is not allowed at the legion. There is a fight going on now with some members wanting to take their dogs there and others not wanting them there. She will have to deal with it just like I've had to deal with it for years. BTW when it was 117 both her and I were in this cabin with the AC running. The high so far today has only been 103 and not much chance of it getting hotter. Its down to 101 now. I do make several trips home each day to make sure she has water and put ice in it when I do.

  5. Rainy and 71 degrees here now. What a relief! Was a cool night after such a hot day yesterday.

  6. how that dude yu in charge of Legion again ? Due to that extreme heat my trip there to BB postponed some weeks. I travel with a dog also due to not being able let her behind alone in Houston (some Hotels accept it) Sanderson Tx and Ojinaga Mx where I mainly stay, ant travel around during early a.m hours when animals are out visible also .

  7. Pablo, for my resignation to have been legal I'd have had to make it at a legion meeting and sign it. That did not happen. I was never really replaced and was the commander even though the second in command though the others had taken charge. They could not have legally fired me to start with the way they intended to do it. I let it slid until I saw that the business had dropped off to near nothing because of them raising the prices so high and I reasserted my command position. We now have two new women as bar tenders and the old bar tender is gone. Business is starting to come back.

    1. "legalities" and fine print and regulations, the books etc. always prevail, in this case seems for good, will stop by soon when in the area. You did not answer someone's question if dogs allowed inside ,(I have one on a leash), congratulations dude yu back again on command !

  8. man it's been hot as h3ll here in houston. i know my mom who lives off south county rd was traveling last few months and was trying to get back home, but it seems that the rain comes just enough to wash out the creeks and make them not crossable. havent heard from her in about a week and a half. i know they be ok but damn.

  9. DR, I know some of the access roads are bad down here, but I can't see anyone being kept put for a week and a half.

    1. their crossing by sawmill mtn washed out and they cant get the 5th wheeler across so they at bj's. they going to grade it w/ the front loader tomorrow

  10. Where in Turdlingua did you find two girls that look good enough to be bartenders?

    1. agree dude -the good enough- stuff, as that s the thing attracts "flies" xxx

  11. This end of Terlingua Bkid and believe it or not Rhonda is supposed to start work before long. (one day a week to start with)

  12. Replies
    1. yur on command dude , thanks

  13. I do not know whether or not to congratulate you or not on being commander once more. That job took priority over your health the other time :-(

    Dang...it is HOT down there!

  14. MsB, its a dirty job, but someone needs to do it. The legion will survive.


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