Saturday, July 26, 2014

Glasses / VA / and So On

Got the glasses and don't like them at all. First time I put them on it was instant dizzy! As long as I'm using them while I'm driving and looking a distance away they are great, but when I look down at the instrument panel its dizzy again. I made it almost 67 years without needing glasses though so guess I can't complain much. At least when I'm not driving I can get by with out them unless I'm looking at stuff a long way off and want a clear image.

This seems to be the norm now days around here. It can be doing this all the way around here, but nothing here. Sure could use some rain and there's a 70+ % chance next week. A few smaller chances to. All I can do is hope!

Here is what is up with the new bill to allow VETS to get medical care at any place if the waiting time is too long at a VA facility or if you live more than 40 miles away from a VA clinic or hospital. The below is from the American Legion online news letter. Lets see if the law makers can keep the bill screwed up until its forgotten. Grrr!

Dear Legion Family Members and Friends,

Today, I want to share with you a joint statement regarding the inappropriate posturing by members of Congress following a request made by Sloan Gibson, acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Gibson requested emergency funding of $17.6 billion  to help repair access problems for veterans seeking VA health care.

What follows is a joint statement from myself representing The American Legion, Stewart Hickey, executive director of AMVETS (American Veterans), and Pete Hegseth, chief executive officer of Concerned Veterans for America:

“Regardless of the merits, a last-minute VA request for $17.6 billion dollars in additional spending only hampers an already difficult VA conference committee negotiating process. Both the House and Senate VA reform bills that passed were centered on two things—accountability and access. It is disgraceful and utterly painful to see bipartisan efforts erode and lawmakers lose sight of what’s important. Negotiations, which should happen in public, not behind closed doors, must stay focused on ensuring VA leadership is held accountable and veterans have timely access to care. All other discussions only undermine a critically important process.

“We urge Congress to take immediate action to regain their focus on ensuring the VA Secretary exercises their authority to hold management and staff accountable for their inappropriate behavior, and immediately stop the corruption and mismanagement within the VA. Before asking for more money, the VA must start making good on the nation’s promise to its honored veterans.”

For God and Country,

Dan Dellinger
National Commander
The American Legion


That's all Folks...


  1. Are those single vision lenses or no-line (progressive) bifocals? If they are the progressive lenses, it is CRITICAL that the vertical placement on your head is what the doctor specified. Or else reading does not work. In some cases the older lined bifocals are better. In any case there is an adjustment period of several days.

    1. rj, they are the old style bifocals. Getting used to them could be a problem because the only time I'll wear them is while I'm driving and I don't do much of that around here.

  2. The picture looks like the glasses are too high and crooked.

    1. Yep, that's the kind of fit you should expect from a pair of glasses sent in the mail, not fitted at all to you. Unc, next time you're anywhere that has a glasses place, see if they can fit them for you. It will probably make a big difference.

    2. Yes rj they were too high, but I moved the nose rests or what ever they are called out and they set about right now. Haven't tried to straighten them up yet, but will.

      Dale, there aren't any eye places down here and may not be in Alpine? If I have to go back to the VA I'll get them to take care of it (or try)

  3. They make you look distinguished. :)

    1. Well Rubye Jack, Not sure if that's a good thing or not. ;)

  4. It was about time they sent them to you! Hope they can adjust them next time you go back up there.

    Saw on the news that it was raining in the Big Bend Area. Too bad it missed you but hopefully you will soon get your fair share. You guys have gotten more rain this month than we have.

    1. MsB, there was another instance of rain off in the distance last night and it was headed this way. It made it to 9 points, but unfortunately it fell apart before it got here. :( There are some pretty high chances in the next 10 days. Hope tat stays in the forecast and actually happens.

  5. That dizzy,, means somethings not right,, might be the strength. Worn them since i was 14, and just one time, had that happen. Yeah, your eyes will adjust to anything, but,,, dont need them to be wrong.

    1. TnT, they do make seeing a long distance much clearer, but looking closer is what makes me dizzy. I guess the next time I have to go to Big Spring I'll go back to the eye clinic and ask them about that as well as have them adjust them. They don't have the eye clinic in the new clinic in Odessa yet. Mater of fact I'm not sure they have anything in there because they want to send you to Big Spring for about anything. :(

  6. Well.....the Congrassholes have one week to get something done for the Vets before they leave for a much deserved 5 week vacation......what disgraceful times we find ourselves in.....

    Good luck with the new specs D.

  7. Bernie, in 5 weeks they will have forgotten about the vets and be thinking up ways to turn their 5 week vacation in to 6 weeks or more. I have a feeling its all about screwing the vets one more time.

  8. tffnguy, aint going to lie to you, the glasses look ok, but could be tweeked ;-)
    I know your going through a lot of crap now with health issues, which sucks! But I'ld really like you to tell me about, how the Saturday night dinners are at the legion, or how the new change of command is coming along, or if you've found anymore arrowheads or fossils on your outings......what, no outings?....:-) if you forget about the government and just have fun, you'll have a much more enjoyable life...after all they ain't going to come along and shoot you, right? ENJOY. I can't wait to get back down there just to sit and have a drink with you and piss you off :-).....speaking of that...seen your "grandson" Juan lately? hahaha. I'll be bringing down some Canadian Whisky so, hope your thirsty!

  9. oh, ya,.... and not that cheap crap that we export to your stores down there..........the real good stuff that we drink up here ;-)

    1. Al, I guess the next post will be just for you. Stay tuned.


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