Wednesday, July 16, 2014

VA update / Another trip to Odessa / swimming with Jaws

Had to make another trip to Odessa and ultimately to the VA hospital in Big Spring. Had to make that trip twice for different tests. I actually went there to have my eyes checked because my right eye has gotten pretty blurry and its a pain in the rear trying to drive like that. I had to do a lot of walking and standing that first day and as soon as I got to the eye clinic my right leg collapsed and fortunately I was close enough to a seat to make it in it rather than hit the floor. The woman in the eye clinic immediately called emergency services and they sent a wheelchair up for me. The eye exam got put on hold and most of the rest of the day was spent in the x-ray room and waiting on results from them.

Of course the results were the same as what I told them they would be. Bad disc in my lower back (pinched nerves) and a bone graft in my neck that had broken (Also more pinched nerves). I'd had trouble with my right leg going numb and giving me trouble for years, but for some reason after last years blood infection in that leg it has gotten much worse. I'm going to have to go somewhere for an MRI, but as of yet don't have a clue where that is supposed to be. They don't have an MRI at the hospital in Big Spring nor in Odessa at the new mega clinic. They could just send me to a civilian hospital and have it done quick, but the VA is still the VA.

I finally did get to the eye exam and have cataracts in both eyes, but the right one is much worse. The doctor said they weren't bad enough for surgery yet though. I did get a new set of glasses out of the deal though. Or will when they come in the mail. The eye doctor had dilated my eyes and said it would be Ok for me to drive back to Odessa while they were dilated. Humm... First time I've ever heard of that. Anyway the 60 mile trip back to Odessa was a white knuckle experience to say the least since everything was a blur. To make matters worse the traffic on I 20 was every bit as bad as the freeways in the DFW metroplex.

Had to go back last Monday for a blood pressure test on my legs and that was a lot of fun. Sort of like having an anaconda wrapped around your legs crushing them. The nurse did say the torture treatment was over when she got through.

I will have to say that the staff at the hospital were much improved over past visits probably because that is one of the hospitals being under investigation. I actually had a couple of doctors pushing me around in the wheelchair at times. WOW!

Pictures below are at my niece's house and around the pool (which I didn't go in because of not having trunks) and because of Jaws swimming around in there to. ;) Next time I'll remember to take some swimming trunks.

More pictures of coconut the bulldog pup.
And Jaws swimming in the pool.


  1. I am glad you are getting something done for your health. It is hard living alone when you are incapacitated.

  2. It hasn't gotten to that point yet DD, and if it does there's a cure for that.

  3. My goodness you have been through a lot lately but at least you are finally being seen by the VA doctors.

    I have never heard an eye doctor say it is OK to drive with your eyes dilated either! You shouldn't have paid attention and waited in the reception area until you could see better.

    Awww...a refreshing dip in the pool. Don't forget your swim trunks next time or go to Ross they have them on sale.

    1. MsB, I'll have to buy a set of swim trunks. Haven't had any for years. Closest I could get to swimming down here is the swimming hole and I will never swim or even go in it.

    2. Just cut the legs off of your bluejeans.

    3. I've probably already got some stashed around here somewhere. I just don't know where.

  4. I am sorry to hear about your spine - as a fellow back sufferer I know exactly what you are going through. Sympathies.

    David, I would get those eyes sorted a.s.a.p. - glasses are not the solution... (and your bloody doctor should know that!)
    "The eye doctor had dilated my eyes and said it would be Ok for me to drive back to Odessa while they were dilated" - and what happens when the drops wear off and you have to drive again????

    I agree with Ms Belinda - next time take some trunks - swimming / taking the weight off the back in water is highly recommended for back problems. I can't see that Jaws could possibly hurt you whilst you have a dip - who knows, if he's big enough perhaps you could use him as a floatation device... :)

    1. Dani, I've been putting up with the back and neck problem for many years. Chances that the VA will ever fix the problems is not going to happen so no need for the MRI.

      I'll either buy some trunks or I've got plenty of jeans with the knees out that could be cut off. Just didn't have any of them with me.

  5. I have some swim trunks you can have that were Toms, so be ready for a dip in the oasis when you come back!! Love you!

  6. Madaleine, I better make some cutoffs and start working on my tan. My legs and chest are so white they could blind a person in the sun. ;) Love you to.

  7. Still no glasses in the mail and still no medication either. I guess its a waiting game?

  8. Unc, any update on your meds and glasses? Hope you're feeling better.

    1. No glasses yet and I still can't order any more meds. Looks like another trip to Odessa / maybe Big Spring before long to find out why.

  9. Well piss! That's not what I was hoping to hear. :(


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