Monday, July 4, 2011

Pups Need A Home!

What more can be said?

They are cross between a Bluetick Hound male and two different Great Dane females. They will all be very large dogs. There are two litters to choose from. The last litter are smaller (from a black female) and are more black dominant. The first litter are mainly brown with black spots and markings.


  1. They are gorgeous, sweet dogs. I got two and they are so sweet. Thanks, tffn for the ride home with them.

  2. Denese, would be nice if a home could be found for all of them, but I'm afraid that won't happen. :(

    No problem on the ride home. I'm just glad they didn't poop or pee on the way. ;)

  3. Love the brown spotted ones :) And all of them have such sweet faces... Glad I live so far away or I'd be tempted, hehe

  4. Hi tffn, great pics. Looks like a couple of them might need some fattening up! You taking doonations for dogfood? Let me know.

  5. Abby, Want me to keep a few for you until you can get here? ;) They really need a good home.

    Mr. Bill, hadn't planned on it, but that is an idea. I think separating them and feeding them that way might help. I think the bigger or more aggressive pups are keeping some of the others from eating as much as they should. For right now those involved are doing the best they can.

  6. David, you are truly a good man. Thank you for getting the word out and helping my sister.

    Mr. Bill, David is right. The larger, dominant dogs rule the roost. They do need some fattening though. We are doing the best we can do with a bad situation.

  7. David & tffnguy--Yes, the big uns tend to do that. Hope you know I didn't mean to criticize, but I have an extra 20 in my paypal acct if that helps at all. I bought a piece of land in Terlingua a few months ago, but have not had a chance to visit. My dog passed away a few years ago (made it to 14), and the photos of the pups made me want to adopt a couple...but I'm in Northern California, and I figure that gas in the Suburban would run about $900 to pick one or two up, so I can't take one right now.

  8. Anyone headed to Northern California from here any time soon? ;)

    Frann has another lead for someone that may take another pup. Her and one of her neighbors will be over here in a couple of days to see them.

  9. My puppy is a good and protective dog. If the pups hear something in the desert it gets loud quick.

  10. Just train them like this:

  11. After 3 days the pups look so much better. I think they were dehydrated and we are sure enjoying the antics!

  12. My compliments to you tffnguy! I'm glad to see people acting proactively on behalf of those puppies! With two dogs and two cats (one of the cats adopted a couple of days ago unexpectedly) we are at capacity, so I'll have to pass, but I will put out the word on my blog. Mind if I borrow a picture?

  13. Mr. Bill, I did not think you were criticizing at all, and I appreciate you offer for a donation. We have a few more homes lined up, and I think everything will work out good.

  14. Jake, help yourself to any of the pictures. If it gets more of the pups adopted the better. Didn't know you had a blog. I'll check it out.

  15. Thanks tffnguy, I'll get right to it!

  16. Almost all pups need -de-worming too, in addition to the the various shots. But they won't gain weight right till you de-worm them. They get get round worms and hood worms from eating feces, etc.
    Good luck!

  17. Tanya, I hear the Vet down in Terlingua will help out people with their pets if they can't afford much. I've also heard a lot of old timers say they always used chewing tobacco to worm horses and pets so I assume its true that it works? Old Timer? I'm an old timer so I guess I should have said ancient timers. Anyway hopefully anyone that gets one of the pups will get it fixed and all shots and anything else needed.

    Some of those pups are just hard not to want, but I guess trying to find them homes is the best thing I can do, because I don't think I could handle raising anymore pups.

  18. There is an animal shelter in Alpine on Old Marathon Road that would take them.

  19. //al, one more found a home this morning so I think that's 8 that have found a home now. Still a lot to go, but a big part of the remaining pups were out wondering around with one of the mother dogs so the pick was limited this morning. Never the less one that was there got chosen and taken. Thanks to Frann and Jicky.

  20. That would be the way to do it Al, if I had the time. Right now, I am working 7 days a week at the Legion, starting at noon. But, thankfully, there are many people helping with this endeavor, and I believe it will work out in the end.


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