Too Damn Cold for down here!!! Its time to head south for drinking water, a shower and supplies for the cold spell. I probably won't be getting out much for a while so plan to stop by Frann's place and check on her progress. Its supposed to be in the low 80s today I think. They seem to change the forecast often though so WHO KNOWS???
Ice on the inside of the windows in this trailer. :(
Confused Day
It has been a day of confusion. Even when the OFM had an outline to follow
and detailed instructions to follow he screwed things...
15 hours ago
And going to be here, too.
ReplyDeleteDD as far as I'm concerned Winter SUCKS!
ReplyDeleteI once in another life lived in Minnesota. It went 60 days and never got above zero. It would be -38 at night and warm up to -10 during the day. The nice thing here is it is going to be cold Tue - Thurs but I bet it is 70 on Monday!
ReplyDeleteFrann, last winter I'd already been through 17 degrees and 23 degrees inside the dungeon. Next bad cold front that was expected I bailed out and headed for Odessa. I'll tough out the 9 degrees here if it gets that cold, but you can bet I'll have enough heat in here to keep it above 40. (Hopefully 50) while I'm under all of them warm covers. I'll fire up the big heater in the mornings until I'm comfortable though and try to stay that way. Of course thanks to Dale this trailer should be a lot better than the dungeon.
ReplyDeleteGot stocked up on grub, and other necessities and will ride it out here this time. I don't plan to go anywhere! You really aren't thinking about heading for Alpine and the Antelope motel are you? ;)
They just forecasted 12-20" of snow for the Ozarks ... ob boy.
ReplyDeleteHere's to everyone staying warm ... hugs for all.
~mc~, I feel fer y'a, but I guess it comes with the territory up there. ;) Hope you can stay warm and have plenty of supplies on hand!
ReplyDeleteHugs back!
BTW... RN & RV... I think that big wind you'll warned me about just got here (at 7:55)
ReplyDelete8:36 and a near reversal of wind. This place is rockin and a rollin like I haven't seen it do before! West North west now and before it was south and should have been out of the northeast.
ReplyDeleteI'll trade you for my Wisconsin weather. Tuesday they are already predicting a blizzard and then the temp will drop to like -2 or something...
ReplyDeleteScavenger, I don't want any of that up north weather and this is not weather for down here, but is coming. Like Frann says though it shouldn't last long.
ReplyDeleteJust this minute (8.16am) heard on the news here that 25 states are expecting freezing weather - Brrrrrrrrr. Keep warm :-)
ReplyDeleteIt just started raining hard about ten minutes ago 12:55 a.m. I feel so sorry for the two horses that my neighbor the jerk has without any protection from the elements.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you arent in the dungeon anymore. Stay warm.
That cold front's bringing snow flurries to South Texas. Just Wonderful, the people down here are "mentally challenged" when faced with bad weather and driving. Add in possible snow, ice, and sleet will make it a real "Moranathon" down here. (I got lots of Beer, Coffee, Jack Daniels, and two cases of self heating MRE's. My truck will be tucked away in a nice warm garage and I ain't getting out on the roads.
ReplyDeleteHang in Tffnguy. Stay warm and score some brandy, Jack Daniels and a WW 2 Flamethrower.
Bigfoot here...
ReplyDeleteI went out yesterday and gathered up a jug-o-kerosene....refilled any empty propane jugs, and plugged in the block heater to the F250 diesel. Caren cooked a spiral honey-glazed ham (onsale now for $1.29/Lb...$13 each), and a pot of pinto beans in the crock pot. (since the central heater crapped out last fall, we run with a couple of small LPG heaters and a kerosene jobbie Caren picked up at Lowe's onsale for 1/2 price last week...$60...keeps this little house cozy) Also fixed a small tarp over a couple of car/truck windshields to keep the ice off.
Sleet hit at 3AM this morn....looks like about 3" of sleet and ice now...and 20 degrees, thick haze and clouds and very windy.
The ONLY reason to (maybe)venture out today, is to restock on whiskey...getting lowish.
You stay warm and hunker down under your blankets, keep a bottle nearby for comfort when needed.
Big & Lil feets
Dani, it was really an unusually warm night last night. I forgot and left the roof vent open over the bed last night and it was still 60+ degrees in here this morning, but that is changing a bunch as I type this.
ReplyDeleteMsB, so far no rain, sleet or snow, but now it is windy as heck and it feels like its straight off the north pole!
cc, no worries about me being out on the roads. I'm well stocked and ain't going no where until this is all over. I know how it was in the DFW metroplex and Houston when it got icy and you are right about people not knowing how to drive in icy weather. Wrecker services and police couldn't keep up with all the wrecks.
Bigfoot, for now its still sunny, but windy as heck. Matter of fact its clear as a bell other than some haze and there is no sign of clouds in any direction that look like they may be moving this way. I'm sure that will change though. I think after the wind got up about an hour and a half ago the temp must have dropped at least 20 degrees in a matter of minutes. Its down right painful to be out in it now. I do have enough of that amber liquid to get me through this though.
No Motel trip I wouldn't want to miss snow on my cactus!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how much ice we got here in DFW, but the airport is pretty much shut down. I made it into work in Rhonda's Wrangler in 4x4 low then high. Saw many of the nut's out trying to get places they had no right trying to drive to in regular drive vehicles. One of the guys comes into the airport from the north side, he said an 18 wheeler had 121 completely blocked after sliding sideways. Then the fun began as folks started trying to go around him on the inside median, along comes a feller in his big ole Caddy, got by the truck only to get stuck in the ice and sink in the median. Then "wham" rear ended by the next fool behind him, game over, 121 closed for the next hour or so. Ah, life in the big city. I'd rather be out there in the trailer with the wind blowing. Take care and stay warm, glad it's not the dungeon.
ReplyDeleteI ended up making a "run" late today to town for some "Elixer of the Gods" fluid...NO ONE out driving this evening...only a 5 mile one way trip. The Interstate20 traffic (hardly any) was moving about 20 MPH at best.
Took the trip in the '98 Towncar....after pulling the windshield tarp off.
The Lincoln-o-meter said 19 degrees when I left...and 17 upon return...about dark.
the first liquor store (Majestic) was closed...and at the other one..I was the only customer. was icey most of the way...but if you imagine driving with steel wheels and think about... "ENERTIA" and minimal braking ability can handle it...without much danger.
too many folks driving WAY too 10MPH..I was afraid I'd get stuck in an icy low area cause some AH was afraid to accelerate approaching an icy hill 3 cars in front of me.
Turned out to be a decent day here. I saw a high of 43 (could have gotten warmer) with no wind to speak of. That was after the warm night and then cold blast later. Was pretty nice all day and now the wind is really howling and its brutal out there at 27 degrees. Still no snow or ice though. Now the prediction is for a high of 31 tomorrow so I feel fr those up north!
ReplyDeleteI am staying warm enough but the wind is driving me nuts!
ReplyDeleteNo wind now, but its 14 degrees! Sets a record for the low since I've been down here. 17 was the old record. This is at 8:30 and the sun is up so I don't know what the real low was because the inverter had cut out and no way for me to get online before now. (Charger is running and either the Harbor freight charger has gone flaky or I have another battery going south. I think its the charge controller.) Damn! Its only a couple of months old.
ReplyDeleteNo wind to speak of, but online says there is a windchill of -1 ???
ReplyDeleteWoo-eee, made it home from work last no problems. I know what Bigfoot was talking about with the folks driving too slow. That was what I kept seeing last night as well. Thanks goodness I'm off for the next 4 days and can stay out of that mess. Now we just have to get thru the week with the weather and the stuper bowl. We've all decided here that the next time Jerry wants to host the SB, we want two warm weather teams to play, the Pittsburgh and Green Bay fans can keep their dang weather at home! lol Stay warm and hope you don't blow away.
ReplyDeleteif it snows take lots o pics! stay warm David!
ReplyDeleteDale, I'm glad I'm not there! Just posted a picture of ice on the inside of a window in here.I've got a couple of them covered with insulation and I think I need to cover the rest!
ReplyDeleteSaw your post on Frann's blog that you ran out of propane yesterday. Still with us this morning?
ReplyDeleteStill alive and kicking Abby. I'm not totally out of propane just running real low on the tanks for the big heater in here. When that's gone I'll still be able to keep it above 40 degrees in here with the oven. Seems like around 48 is the best it will do, but I can survive that. I've got other problems now and that is one of the last 4 good batteries has gone south on me so There isn't enough power to run the other computer and modem to. I'm having to use the old computer I got from my neighbor and when the battery runs down I'll be off line with no way to get back on. I tried to start the charger, but it was so cold and the batteries were so low it wouldn't start. I tried to crank it by hand and the rope pull broke so no way to charge the batteries other than solar and its so cloudy and dark they aren't doing much good. I can't get the falcon over to the battery bank and charger to jumper it so that's out. :(
ReplyDeleteBTW we are getting a little snow off and on now. RN will be bringing me a couple of new batteries when he can get down here. (Probably some time next week.)
Oh yeah, just checked the temp and its 13 degrees right now.
ReplyDeleteNice and toasty here at the should have come up too.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you can at least keep it at 40ish in the 5th wheel and your ice will keep a long time this way and your beer won't get warm!
PS ... I am staying till Friday!
ReplyDeleteFrann, the 40s are when its in the 20s and 30s outside. It was just 41 when I got up this morning and without the big heater to warm it up I don't have a clue what the temp will be like during the day. I did check to see if the falcon would start, and fortunately it did with a lot of coaxing with the gas peddle, If I have to I'll head south and choke on the BBMI prices for a night or two. RN & RV wanted me to head to Odessa, but I figure if I had a break down between here and there I'd be SOL.. I don't even want to try and make it to Alpine.
ReplyDeleteIf worse comes to worse I'll be spending a lot of time bundled up in blankets. I'd forgot about the generator so I could switch to power from it to charge the batteries in this computer, charge the battery bank and use the other computer at the same time then I could start and run the charger at night to stay online. I may do that later.
Throw some blankets over your batteries as cold and hot weather is what get's them.
ReplyDeleteFrann, (I'm On generator power now.) When I get the two new batteries I'm going to put them in a big ice chest along with the inverter and charge controller to add a little heat to it. When its hot I'll leave the lid open.
ReplyDeleteBTW the motor you left me will make a great S-Rotor wind generator. It won't put out a lot of watts, but right now is when a wind generator would really shine. It should put out enough watts to run this computer and modem (When the conditions are right)
I am already tired of TV..the same Egyptian has been throwing the same rock since I got here..Off the the NCIS Marathon!
ReplyDeleteMaybe the WiFi is fast enough there for you to do NetFlix watch nows?
ReplyDeleteI've got the generator running now for power in here and to run the battery charger on the battery bank. I'll run it for about an hour and try to start the gas charger so I can switch back to the inverter and batteries. The gas charger will be a lot more economical to run than the generator.
The sun tries real hard to shine through the clouds every now and then without much luck, but at least its a little lighter outside so maybe the solar panels will start doing more?
Hey tffnguy,
ReplyDeleteCold as can be here. Been locked in the house for 2 days now. All streets are solid ice in the neighborhood. The main strees have tire lanes is all. 35 in the garage so don't go out there for long. I think all of Texas is in the big chill now. You keep them covers close. Stay away from that red stuff. You might forget you need the covers.. Tigger!!
Tig, I can't find the high octane red stuff down here so less chance of twisting off with it. The low octane stuff sure does make a morning cup of coffee taste good when it has hot chocolate and marshmallow in it to though. Good for sore throats to.
ReplyDeleteFor those who don't know what red stuff is... well its Hot Damn 100 and it has bitten both Tig and myself a time or two. ;)
Well as I'm watching you on this blog, it looks like you got a good handle on things down there. Don't feel bad about the ice on the inside of your windows. I have it here in the new house too. All the north windows have ice around the seals and framing. Sure want to go out to the garage and work on my next CBG but just to cold to hang out there. Take care and We're Watchen!
ReplyDeleteTried to get the charger started, but it would start and then die. After several attempts I said to heck with it and the cold and came back in. It will wait until warmer weather for me to work on it!