Found this little critter on the patio of the Legion last night when I
was leaving. My bar tender walked right past it. Fortunately it had
cooled off a good bit and the snake was real sluggish so that probably
saved her from being bitten. It is a Mojave rattler (The deadliest snake
in the US) I thought the threat of rattlesnakes was over after all the
cold weather, but it was an unusually warm day here yesterday so I guess it
ventured out to find a meal.
Got a very good deal on this guitar from one of the legion customers. It had a broken string, but Pat O'Bryan turned me on to a new set so its good to go. I'll need to get a tuner though. This will make about the 3rd guitar I've owned over the years and about the 5th time I've tried to learn how to play one. I HOPE I have better luck this time!
We had the standard nice day going along when the OFM got a phone call from
the company handling his Veterans hearing claim he ...
22 hours ago
Youtube has a tuner and some basic lessons and licks to learn. Stay warm.
ReplyDeleteAndy, I'm looking at options online and here to.
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! Thank goodness she was not bitten! Was it Melinda?
ReplyDeleteThat is one of the things I fear most about my future move to Terlingua...these awful critters :(
How did you kill it? Because you did send it to snake heaven didn't you?
No MsB, Donna was working that night. I didn't kill it its just a baby and is my new pet. Of course changing its diapers is a challenge though. ;)
ReplyDeleteNice pet to have around. Keeps the rodent population down and unwanted visitors away.
ReplyDeleteDD, I think it ran off all the mice. Can't find any for its food now.
ReplyDeleteOh, Tffnguy...say it isn't so :-(
ReplyDeleteMsB, one of my friends is baby sitting it now.
ReplyDeleteI have a name for your new pet rattler...
whadya think.?
Bigfoot, I'd call it Dead now. I turned it loose in the wild last night while the temp was 32 degrees and dropping. I doubt it could survive long since there wasn't any holes of rocks to crawl in to or under.
ReplyDeleteA dead snake is a good snake :D
ReplyDeleteYou're heartless MsB. ;)
ReplyDeletePablo, get your own blog!
ReplyDeleteThere are a number of online tuners you can use.
ReplyDeleteI'll look for them mjazzguitar. Haven't done much with the guitar yet.