Got the first half of the north window installed and dried in. I'll cover the metal frame I constructed with wood later on to make it look more like a window.

The inside which is temporary. I'll be adding the second half which is another two pane glass section later. This window will not be made to open and I want it to be as energy efficient as I can make it (With in reason). You see a one pane window glass only has an insulation factor of R1 and a dual pane window only has an R rating of R2. The walls will be R-19 or more depending on what else I do to raise that rating. I'm going to be adding another dual pain window to this to raise the R rating to R4 which will be considerably more energy efficient. I'll have two windows like this and the other one will be facing east toward 9 Points Mesa. A third window will be on the south side which will be the little bathroom type window that Bigfoot brought me. It will be the only window that will open, but it will only have an R rating of R2 so I'll have to figure out a way to improve that. I plan to add some type ventilation system that won't effect the overall R rating when it isn't being used, but at some times of the year it will hopefully keep the cabin at a reasonably comfortable temperature and will likely be used during the summer nights. I don't plan to put a window on the west side to keep the hot afternoon/evening sun from heating up the cabin, but I may add a small port window later. There really isn't much of a view to the west.

This is what I'm working with. The dual pane sections that came out of the two windows I traded Frann a new bathroom window for. The two windows I got from her were starting to fall apart because the sun had gotten to the vinyl that was holding the pains in the frames. Those windows were actually considerably larger than I wanted also so since they were coming apart I decided to build the windows I'm working on now.
This is the old windows the panes are coming out of. There will be a total of four (Just right to make two windows like I'm building.) I'd hoped to get the second window (outside section) framed in to the east side of the cabin today, but the high temp, lack of even a breeze at times and higher than normal humidity made me say to heck with that. Maybe tomorrow morning?
I did an accurate count of all the solar panels this afternoon after the storm (see next) and it turns out that I still am below 1500 watts. It is 1425 watts instead. This should still run the little AC unit during the day no sweat but hopefully my nephew will keep coming up with panels for me. I'd like to at least have 1500 watts and sure wouldn't gripe about 2000. ;) Of course at some point I'm going to have to come up with more batteries to use all the solar and maybe be able to run the AC at night.
We had another doozy of a wind and sand storm this afternoon. As usual stuff was blowing everywhere. I had a five gallon bucket of soda cans full of crushed soda cans I'd picked up and of course the wind blew it away and scattered all the cans out again so I get to pick them up all over again. Grrr!
One good thing about the storm is it brought in a lot cooler air and a few sprinkles along with clouds which also helped cool things down. The storm didn't last long, but it dropped the temperature from about 106 to 80 degrees real quick. Should be a real good night for sleeping. :)
You might have caught the comment about picking up soda cans above and wondered why I didn't say soda and beer cans. Well that's because I quit drinking any alcoholic drinks a good while back. That's good in one way, but I find I'm drinking about as many sodas as I used to drink beers and that can't be good for my kidneys! At least I am drinking more water. I also started taking vitamins and for some reason my eyes are getting better. Most of the time I don't have to wear my readers while on the computer. Real small letters still get me though. Hopefully smoking will be the next thing I quit.
Now to my friend and neighbors who come to my parties don't worry. There will probably still be parties, but I figure I will only make the acceptation of drinking at my own parties. I don't want to be a dull boy all the time. ;)
Oh BTW I also got the north side of the cabin sealed up and ready to finish painting it. I still lack finishing the west and south sides and of course I hope to start adding on the bathroom on the back before long to.