Humidity here was 33% yesterday and it got up to 112 here. 94 degrees here inside the trailer was the best the swamp cooler could do at that higher humidity level. I think the norm is somewhere between 2 and 6%. It is even worse today with a humidity of 52%. :( At least tomorrow there is a lowly 20% chance of rain. We can always hope! Its the pits with all the humidity and no rain to go with it!!! I spent about three hours at the legion yesterday during the worst of the heat and before there was any shade to get under. Then I came back and hung out in the shade the rest of the afternoon and evening until almost dark. I couldn't hack it in here with the high humidity and 94 degrees. I was sweating like a two bit gambler in a million dollar poker game. Nick also wound up at the legion for a cool place to hang out. I'm tougher than him though because I left first to come home. ;)
I've tried several things to divert the air from the swamp cooler to the couch because it gets too warm there during the afternoons for a nap. None of the other things I tried worked out real good so I decided yesterday morning to make something that will work and would be easy to add when needed and easily taken off when I was in front of it at the computer. I took a medium sized tote and cut out part of the side that faces the couch and the above picture is how it came out. Works pretty darned good since all I have to do is hang the handle to the tote over a screw I put in the top of the swamp cooler. As a matter of fact I ran the cooler with it on there until about 5:30 this morning and I slept on the couch where it was halfway cool. It would have been much later before I could have got to sleep on the bed with the heat in here.
Saturday was a free supper at the Legion and boy was the food GOOD! There was also a lot of it left over. Wish the fridge worked good enough to store food and I'd have brought some home. This was a pig roast with Lee supplying the pig, Juan did the cooking of it and Dale did the skinning and prep. It was slow cooked for about 20 hours and was so tender it was falling off the bones. Yum Yum Pulled Pork! There were also home made roles made by Sherri, beans, baked potato wedges, greens and I'm not sure what all else. There was so much to eat including Watermelon and cantaloupe that I couldn't possibly try it all. Nick supplied the entertainment and did a great job as usual. He has also written a couple of new songs so they were included.
BTW the couple in the last photo (Dave & Sherri's brother and his wife) just moved down here from Alaska. They also have two 4 year old twin boys and the baby boy in one of the pictures. Fortunately they all seem to be holding up to the heat pretty well.
I forgot my camera as usual so the pictures are all provided by Dave and Steve. (Dave's brother)
WINDY and a bit cool during the day but a long way from cold. During the
little bit of fishing the OFM caught a 15.5 inch trout w...
1 day ago