First off I want to thank all vets who have served this country (Whether they are still alive or not.) A special thanks to those who paid the supreme price for this country. I hope they will never be forgotten. Also thanks to the families who lost them and had to deal with the loss.
A photo from last night with the moon rising over Red Bluff. Didn't turn out too good, but it was sure beautiful here!
And now a few ramblings...
A potential disaster was averted yesterday after the bar manager at the legion forgot to order beer for the 6th Legiondary Jam coming up tomorrow (The 26th) Thanks to Judy for making the trip to Alpine to get the order! Now there should be enough beer to go around for the musicians who give of their time and talent for free to help others and those who attend the Jam. Thanks MUCH to the musicians and Pat O'Bryan for promoting the event.
Booger was spotted by one of my friends yesterday about a quarter mile north of the legion so a couple of us jumped in the keep with a beef stick for a lure. We drove around the vacant buildings and the area and saw no sign of him at all. Later that afternoon I was sitting on the patio at the legion and saw him traveling at a fast run northwest in to the desert. I called him by name in hopes of getting him to come to me, but instead he stopped, looked my way and then took off like a rocket through the desert. Its at least comforting to know he is still alive and obviously coming up with food and water somewhere.
In years past (many years) on Memorial Day weekend the ex, myself and the granddaughters spent the weekend listening to the top 500 countdown on a Dallas radio station. We danced and had a good time the whole weekend. Now its that time again and as usual I miss that a lot and am a little saddened. The Legion Jam will surely help out there.
Got a couple of the above yesterday morning thanks to the Family Outreach Center via a friend. Neither were frozen so I put one in the freezer and one in the fridge. I plan to butcher the one in the fridge in to smaller chunks and make it available to locals out here when needed. Will probably do the same with the other one later. Problem is that having to chill and freeze so much meat over powered the battery bank last night so the inverter shut down about 6:00 AM this morning. The gas charger is broken (Still) so all I could do is wait until the sun was up good enough to start the inverter again to get the fridge working. All is well for now, but its starting to cloud up so I may have to move both of the hams to the freezer at the legion until the cloudy days are over. Too bad we aren't getting some decent rain out of them, but it could also be large hail so I'll try not to gripe much.
Got tired of the long hair (Not real long) and decided it would be a lot cooler to buzz my head. It worked, but now I'm trying to avoid getting a red dome. (Sunburned head)
In case your wonder why all pictures of me show my head leaning to my right its like this... Years ago I had to have surgery on my neck after a fall off of a ladder. Unfortunately when they used cadaver bone to fuse my neck together it has caused my neck to be crooked every since.