Thursday, March 25, 2010

GHG, Shower & Snake Screen

GHG stands for Guest House Gone in case you were wondering. I know everyone had been loosing a lot of sleep wondering what I had stored in the guesthouse so I thought I'd show you. The buckets are full of my stash of hardware as well as the tote. Clothes in the bags that will no longer fit me and then some blankets that I sure won't be needing much longer until next winter. Hopefully now everyone will be able to sleep easy now that you know what was in it. Now I'm going to have to find room to put all of that stuff somewhere else.

You can also sleep more soundly knowing that the snake screen should be keeping unwanted guests out of the dungeon. 

 And everyone can sleep better not having to wonder whether I'll be able to take a shower again pretty soon. I will be able to. If I can get a nice warm day without wind. I'm only going to use the one tarp because it will cover the front and side and the entrance will be the rear where there are no near neighbors to see in it. If they want to use a telescope then that's their problem.


  1. Like everything else you've been doing it all looks great and very functional. I don't know why you're so worried about the tarps and neighbors,give those few around you, and running up the highway something to see and talk about! Lol

  2. Well I must admit I had been wondering about SNAKES and what your snake screen consisted I know. It is a low cost good solution to the problem :-)

  3. BTW wanted to mention that I just love the very unique yet appropriate nicknames you give things...I'llDu and GHG, lol!!

  4. lookin good. any birders with binoculars near by might have a hard time identifying that one. LOL

  5. looking good. for your snakes, might put out some plain ole Mothballs around the door and what not.. It will run them off. They sell a product called Dr T's snake away I think it is, but it is mostly ground up mothballs.

  6. I agree with old uncle Ben, put ya out some moth balls so the kangaroo rats can take them to their house and be snake free. Or you could put ya up a 1/4" mesh screen in front of the door. 8)

  7. How about just put in a REAL screen door?

  8. Dale, See my explanation to OGT.

    MsB, Just a temporary fix. See my explanation to Scavenger... And you have to call something something so why not abbreviate it? Or make it interesting...

    OGT, Its not the dirty old ladies I'm worried about its the dirty middle aged men and my female guest I'm worried about. The dirty old ladies can see me from miles away without binoculars or telescopes.;)

    Ben - IT, I have mothballs in the back part of the dungeon, but they get mixed reviews. Some say rattle bugs just ignore them and go on with business as usual. I'd prefer something I know should work, but I saw a video where a determined rattler scaled a 14" snake fence by hitting it head on and pushing its head over the top. It then pulled its self over and fell to the other side. I guess if they want on the other side they may figure out a way to get there.

    BB, I'm thinking about building an RC (Radio Controlled) Snake catcher. Maybe you can help me when you get to Terlingua?

    Scavenger, That is in the plan, but I'm going to have to get serious about getting something built outside the dungeon with the heat coming on so will have to do with what I have for the time being. As the sun gets higher and higher in the sky the shade on the side of the dungeon gets smaller and smaller. Soon I may have to be leaning against the north side just to stay in the shade.

  9. How aboit a good snake for outside and a good snake cat. For inside

  10. I meant good snake dog for outside

  11. I guess we'll see how Pepper turns out?


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