Actually that should be First Night. (as in the cabin) The hammock didn't work at all after I put it up in here. Might be OK for a nap, but not to spend the night on. I'll be sleeping on a foam mattress on the floor with a sleeping bag. Meanwhile I'm trying to set here and hold a LED light to type by and it isn't working very well.
Will try to update this tomorrow or start a new thread.
BTW looks like it isn't supposed to be as cold as predicted earlier.
WINDY and a bit cool during the day but a long way from cold. During the
little bit of fishing the OFM caught a 15.5 inch trout w...
23 hours ago
Congrats on moving in :)
ReplyDeleteDunno if you have access to enough wood, but have you thought of a fold-up bed frame on one wall?
That's a great milestone sir!!
Big & Lil foots
Dani, I haven't moved in yet it was just to see how it would be now that the weather is turning cold. I'd have been alright IF the cold front that blew in wasn't 50 MPH wind out of the east northeast. I'd put a little weather stripping on one side of the door, but had neglected to do it all the way around. There was a large gap on the top and other side and the stripping on the bottom is worn out. The high COLD wind was coming in so quickly that the little heater didn't have a chance. I got up and sealed off around the door with duct tame and thought things would get better and they did for a while until the tape blew off without me knowing it, I woke up I guess around 3:00 and it was 40 degrees in there. The rest of the night was a very bad experience to say the least considering that the high wind was rattling the roof.
ReplyDeleteI plan to build fold up bunks along the back south and east walls, but just haven't gotten that far yet.
BF, you can bet I'll be doing some work on that door today. I visited the trailer about 7:00 to make coffee and use the facilities. It was 40 degrees in there to. Reminded me of going to the It'll Du on cold nights. I still lack a lot of sealing around the outside of the roof and I'm sure that didn't help the situation either. Sleeping on the floor sucked also. At least the wind has died down a good bit and its directly out of the north so isn't coming in around the door so bad. Its now sunny and 65 degrees in here so things are getting better.
O man,,find yourself a warm place!
ReplyDeleteTnT, its 69 degrees in here right now and 50 in the trailer. The 69 feels real good after last night! Not sure whether I'll try sleeping in here again tonight or go back to the trailer. I guess it will all depend on whether I get the door fixed or not and whether I get a makeshift bunk built.. Of course there may not be high wind tonight so if not it shouldn't be too bad in here.
ReplyDeleteI probably missed it somewhere but, why did you build the cabin when you had the camper with all of the creature comforts already built in?
ReplyDeleteBkid, because the trailer is way too hard to heat in the winter and there would be no way to add refrigerated air off of solar. I figure it won't take a third of the propane to keep this cabin comfortable over what it takes to keep the trailer just tolerable. I should also have refrigerated air this summer.
ReplyDeleteunderstand, but how then yu have electric power there (enter the Internet etc) and how much do yu have, if solar please)Like bud I mise a lot as just become a follower.
ReplyDeletePablo, about 1350 watts and I have DSL and a land line.
ReplyDeleteI think your cabin I'll work out just great.
ReplyDeleteProbably when I get the bugs worked out DD.
ReplyDeleteYou ought to figure how to secure that metal roof so that it does not rock and roll. As you know high winds in Texas can happen year round.
ReplyDeleteWith 50 mph winds outside and wind coming in through the door, I think you did pretty good on your first test night.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about you and all the other bloggers that live out there. Glad to hear the temperatures were not as cold as predicted.
rj, that's one of my next priorities.
ReplyDeleteMsB, last night was MUCH MUCH better. Perhaps one of the best nights I've had down here to date. It did get below freezing night before last because my water pump froze up. Fortunately later in the day it thawed out and started working again.