Monday, November 24, 2014

Old House gone, Horses and Longhorns coming.

Some of you may remember a post I made here some time back about the old house just across 118 and to the south of the legion. Well its gone now and rumor has it that it will eventually be replaced by a restaurant and lounge.

Now about a quarter mile or so south of where that old house used to stand we have the corral in the two above pictures. Rumor has it that the corral will be used to contain Longhorn cattle if for no other reason for tourists to gawk at as they drive by headed to the real resorts down south. Fortunately this is about 1000 feet from my front door across 118 so maybe I won't be getting the smell of bullshit except when the wind is out of the east. That seems to be the prevailing wind a good bit of the year.

And the man responsible for all of this is likely driving that buggy down 118. This may be considered progress by some, but to me its more like the song below.

Little Man by Alan Jackson


  1. That guy that drives that buggy is a Veterinarian I think he is from Florida.

  2. Yes Jim, Doc Burger and he is from Florida.

  3. At least you don't have sky scrapers and huge waste dumps there, at least, not yet.

  4. DD, You are right and there probably won't be any skyscrapers down here in my time, but it is getting pretty cluttered and looks like it will get a lot worse before long. I wonder where the next frontier will be?

  5. I still think it is a shame they had to tear down that little house that looked to be in such good shape. Wished they would at least have tried to incorporate it into their future plan.

    Unfortunately too many people are moving into my favorite desert :(

  6. I agree MsB, but evidently the other people involved had different ideas. A whole lot of the buildings/trailers and so on in some of these pictures have sprang up fairly recently.


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