Near disaster folks. We are supposed to have a 30% chance of rain so while getting the car cover down to cover the falcon the tie cord caught the camera and sent it plummeting two bunk stories to the floor. (about 5 feet) When I tried to check it out I kept getting a General Failure message in the viewer. I finally managed to make use of the hammer again and get it functioning again. Hope it holds up because we all know that a Blogger without a camera is almost blind.
Photo #1 is the tarp shade I spent day before yesterday under. Couldn't use it yesterday because of an occasional high gust of wind in an otherwise almost calm HOT day. I toughed it out in here until there was some shade in front of the dungeon.
Photo #2 is the picture I just took after working the camera over with the hammer. Looks like I'm not blind after all. Oh... The Range Rover belongs to OGT. He plans to start building down here soon and we have a deal going to get him from the airport in Midland when he can come down here.He'll let me know a few days before I'll need to pick him up at the airport and I'll be able to drive up to Odessa a couple of days early to visit family. Then I'll pick him up and head back down this way. Works for me...
We had the standard nice day going along when the OFM got a phone call from
the company handling his Veterans hearing claim he ...
9 hours ago
I'm glad your camera didn't break.
ReplyDeleteI am to MC! Probably wouldn't be a very interesting blog otherwise!
ReplyDeleteYou had a good camera day! I was hugged by DAN AKROYD~!! at the Houstom Orange Show and my Walmart camera said " CARD FULL!!!!!!"
ReplyDelete*Pepper Update*
ReplyDeleteFound the box of kitchen matches I hadn't been able to find. They were in her lair outside along with one of my gloves, a chewed up coke bottle, beer can, and the quarter bag of briquettes she hauled off. Of course both those and the matches were strewn everywhere. She had to have hauled the matches out of here when I wasn't in here! I guess she was planning on having a BBQ and inviting her friends over? I still haven't found my BBQ fork that she evidently hauled off. Just ran her off from beside the falcon because she was trying to rip the cover off of it. She had already managed to get the rope securing it under the falcon untied by gnawing on it. All of that doesn't account for a tenth of the stuff I've had to haul back from her hideout. BAD DOG! I think that puts it mildly!
frann, good camera day and bad dog day I guess. I always keep a spare blank memory card in the camera holder. Of course if you don't have time to change it out to get a shot then that's pretty useless.
ReplyDeleteGlad your camera still works. Is that rebar holding up your tarp in the shade area?
ReplyDeleteNice arrangement you made with OGT, it will be mutually beneficial.
I wonder why Pepper is misbehaving? Hope it is only a phase.
No MsB, that is thin wall tubing. More structurally sound than rebar, but with the high wind around here nothing holds up too good. A tarp can shred pretty easy for sure.
ReplyDeleteHopefully OGT will be able to start building pretty soon. I'll help him as much as I can. Just so happens that the land he is planning to build on is on one of the two roads I got to name. ;) Matter of fact its my middle name and also my dad's middle name. (Thorne Road)I should be able to see his place from here once its built. When we were out that way while him and MC were here I found that I have a new neighbor a couple of plots east of where my other land is. The ranch has improved the two roads to get to it so maybe some day I can start farming there?
I don't know what Pepper's problem is, but she is really starting to annoy me!!!
pepper is stil a pup ever pup i ever had was that way ,they want to mess with everything hope she grows up fast
ReplyDeleteI think I am going to be outa camera for a while. Said " card full" but had no pics on it. Oh well I had a good time..did I mention there was free beer! Yea St Arnold!
ReplyDeleteRN, I sure hope so. She woke me up at 3:00 wanting out so I decided to leave her out. Then rain woke me up about 3:45 so I opened the door to call her and she was in here like a shot before I had the chance.
ReplyDeletefrann, I guess you're going to have to take a hammer to that sucker. Sorry to hear that.
Happy Mother's Day to the Mothers out there.
Camera working great I see! Yep works for you works for me too. I'll be comming in a few weeks with the truck but wont be droppin it off. The shades looking mighty good to sit under. And I have my own guitar now and maybe I will know a few more songs and sit by the fire and scare the cougars and cyotes away. really think youll be able to see my place from yours? cool! Is there anyone using Cb radios out there to communicate and give community updates?
ReplyDeleteOGT, check out the last picture under the Happy Mother's day banner. My neighbor on the old land is circled in red and about where you plan to build will be around where the green circles is.
ReplyDeleteShoot , I didnt realize that. a Cb radio should keep us in comunicado then.
ReplyDeleteRN is planning to bring me one, but I've never been a big CB fan. Guess its better than no communication though. My neighbor down the hill has a tower for his and says he talks to people in Study Butte. Being on this hill I shouldn't need a tower.
ReplyDeleteI fried up a mess of Yucca flowers last night and they were very good. By far the best part of the plant for eating. I didn't even add anything other than a little seasoning.
ReplyDeletehmmmmmm sounds like you found a good source for salad leafs
ReplyDeleteAt least another source of food in case of an emergency. Never hearts to know what you can and can't survive on.
ReplyDeleteOn another note the internet here is giving me fits. Problem is I don't know whether its the chip frying in the WiFi key up in the dish, this computer deciding to go south or the actual server that's causing the problem. The Legion will be closed down for 5 days because of the AH Sheriff's orders so that could be a problem. Looks like I'll be going to the Grub Shack or in to SB for ice. and if this internet goes down that means a trip to SB anyway.
What in the world happened at the Legion that the Sheriff ordered it closed? That would put the hurt on getting ice, at least the Grub Shack isn't that far. Hope your internet problems are just at the Legion. Hi to Pepper, yall take care...
ReplyDeleteThank you for the Mother's Day wishes ... I had a fantastic day with my girls!
ReplyDeleteWhy is the Legion shutting down?
A deputy was peeking through the window on night and saw the bar manager take a swig of beer after hours. They filed charges against him and ordered the legion to close for 5 days. Just a bunch of BS as far as I'm concerned.
ReplyDeleteBar managers NEED a swig!! I have never called a cop in my life and I know we need them to enforce insurance laws, but peeking in windows??
ReplyDeletefrann, I think it has setup written all over it.
ReplyDeleteSure sounds that way, what a load of crap... I would sure think they would have something way better to do than that. Sounds like it was something personal to me. Hopefully you can diagnose your computer problem, and it turns out to be a minor issue. I know my luck wouldn't go that way, but I'm hopeful for you though. Stay cool and don't get cooked out there. lol
ReplyDeleteI figured something like that would take a court order. I guess not down here. Must all be at the whim of the Sheriff... Pretty damned underhanded of the deputy to!
ReplyDeleteMC hope all the moms did to. Glad you had a good one.
On another note I'm at the legion now and this laptop is working like it always has so no problem there. Its either the internet of the WiFi chip up at the dish that is flaky. The guy is supposed to come over to get his internet money so I'll take it up with him when he does.
That is disappointing :(
ReplyDeleteCan you see the Legion from your place..trying to figure what's in the background of your pic.
ReplyDeleteVery disappointing MC. BTW nights are not always cold down here. They can be very WARM. Looks like you need winter and summer clothes down here all the time. ;)
ReplyDeleteYes frann. Its easily seen from here. I don't know which pic you are talking about, but if you will tell me I'll try to tell you what it is.
ReplyDeletePerfect! I have plenty of summer and winter clothes!
ReplyDeleteFrann's probably wondering if that "white building on the far left of your top photo" is the Legion ... just guessing :)
MC, good deal on the clothes. You'll probably need them year round. You might want to bring your bee keeper suit to. (Not just for bees right now)
ReplyDeleteIf the house in the left corner is what frann is talking about then that is a little south east of here across 118 from the dungeon. The legion is more or less directly north of here.
Pepper update... I'll go to bed and get some much needed sleep while Pepper will let me. Its too hot in the day for makeup naps!
ReplyDeleteGood news on the Legion. They are open, can sell anything besides alcoholic beverages (including Ice) so this makes it a little more acceptable. (Even though I still think the whole thing is BS!)
ReplyDeleteMe three!
ReplyDeleteThey should put some window shades up! How far do you have to go for 12oz supplies??
ReplyDeleteDidn't have much to post for a new thread, but figured some of you might like to see where some of my neighbors live. (That you probably already know from online.) Maybe I'll add more later.
ReplyDeletefrann, its 18 miles to Study Butte and about any supplies other than ice. The Legion is the closest at about 1/4 mile for that followed by the Grub Shack. at about 3.5 miles. Its 58 miles to Alpine where the cheaper supplies are and about 220 to a Walmart. :( The legion is the only place to buy beer around this area. You might be able to get it at Tivo's Place with a meal, but I don't know. That would be about 6 miles from here.
ReplyDeleteMy land is just north of Terlingua. I could walk to town if I had to. Just seems all the bloggers are from your neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteFunny how that turned out isn't it? I guess just a coincident.