RN made a care run down here Sunday and brought some brisket and other stuff from my sister's anniversary party. I was going to empty the ashes out of my grill so we could heat up the brisket and picked it up, took a couple of steps and snagged my foot on one of the guy wires for the clothesline. I went down fast and hard and didn't have time to brace for the fall so my chest hit the rim of the aluminum car wheel grill. Bunged up my left knee and my left arm wound up in a brier type bush so had numerous cuts and scratches on it. Where my chest hit the grill was just below my neck and at the top of my chest and from the pain level at the time and STILL now I'd figure I broke something in my chest. Breathing has to be pretty shallow or it hurts like hell and coughing feels like getting kicked in the chest by a mule. I cough a lot to. :( Now I have a smiley face bruise on my chest, but its nothing to smile about!)
Wasn't a few days back I screwed up my left shoulder trying to put a seven gallon jug of water on top of the water tank and when I was trying to get the laundry basket full of dirty clothes off of the top shelf in the back of the dungeon I screwed the same shoulder up and didn't help my chest either so I've been in pretty bad pain so far this morning. Fortunately Bill and Caren had given me a bunch of Advil and that has helped some.
Finally made use of the rat trap Dale brought down here and caught a huge rat that has been hanging out under the dungeon and making a lot of noise chewing on aluminum cans it kept dragging under there. I guess it is either alcoholic or likes coke and sprite real well?
The only thing I've accomplished lately is getting the ladder build for the top bunk so guest don't have such a hard time getting up there. I tried it out and it worked good for me and then RN used it and said it was MUCH easier to get up there now. I did however use up the warped 2x4 they gave me at McCoy's last time we were there. Guess I'll come up with something else for a jig if and when I start on the S-Rotor generator or wind powered refrigeration gizmo.
Last nights storm.
Pepper's new Hangout
For Dizzy-Dick
We had the standard nice day going along when the OFM got a phone call from
the company handling his Veterans hearing claim he ...
9 hours ago
We were thinking that the rattler's brother got you! Look at the good side, your doing better than the rat! That warped 2x4 couldn't have been used for anything better! I know the pain is only worse in the heat and the breathing or coughing with cracked or hurt ribs feels like you been shot! Also, what happened to the bbq brisket! I could use some about now! How's Pepper?
ReplyDeleteSorry about your fall!! Good to know somebody was there with you when it happened. I look forward to your wind powered gizmo. My weak point on my move down there is electronics.
ReplyDeleteFred, I've still got some of the brisket and will warm some more up for supper more than likely. I could use some more also. The neighbor just stopped by and said we are supposed to have bad storms and high wind tonight though so maybe not?
ReplyDeleteAs for Pepper she doesn't like the heat too well either. She has found a cool place beside the dungeon where I over ran the water jug a few days ago so the ground underneath is still damp. If she keeps digging around the dungeon its going to fall in a hole. She was romping around a few mornings ago and clothlined herself on the same guy wire that got me. I chewed her out for that and then it got me a day later. (Pay backs I guess?)
frann, you might seriously consider putting most of your $$$ in solar panels, because wind only plays a small part toward providing power here. There is plenty of it, but isn't constant and you would have to have a really big wind generator and a lot more batteries than I have to use just wind. Best would be to have both wind and solar.
Oh no, Tffnguy. This makes me sad. I hope and pray your injuries are not serious.
ReplyDeleteP.S. That dead rat picture is GROSS ... ew Ew EW.
MC, that rat was a lot grosser when it was rattling cans around and beneath the dungeon. The trap is set again and poison doesn't seem the phase them so... I promise not to post anymore pictures of dead rats.
ReplyDeleteBTW I saw 4 more Doe Mule deer on the way in to SB to do laundry. Good thing I saw them early because it gave me time to slow down! Two of them bolted across 118 as I approached them and had I not slowed down I'd probably have hit one of them.
Oh shoot. Didn't mean for you to stop posting pics of your kills.
ReplyDeleteIt's kinda fun, in a sordid sort of way, for me to get grossed out every once in a while. I'm a dork :)
Well Ok then MC, I'll start posting pictures of cow poop and stuff like that then. ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, man, I hope you get healed up very soon! I'm so sorry you're injured. Be careful and take your time. I am always in a hurry and it seems that hurrying around always results in cuts and bruises. Take it easy.
ReplyDeleteThat's an ugly rat! The ladder is super cool!
Tffnguy, I am so sorry to hear you got injured. I sincerely hope you get well soon.
ReplyDeleteTwo things I absolutely hate are snakes and rats...but I like to see pictures of them DEAD :-)
Ginger, I don't have much choice than to take it easy now. ;) The ladder looks pretty cool to me to and is very functional and doesn't get in the way so far.
ReplyDeleteMsB, haven't checked the trap yet to see if there is another on in there, but I figure as big as that rat was it would have kept any others sun off? Anyway I didn't hear any cans rattling around last night or early this morning.
On another note we had a pretty nasty storm last night with high wind, heavy rain and hail. I didn't think it was ever going to end!
the last pic was a great shot!
ReplyDeleteOGT! I know..don't you wish you were there!
ReplyDeleteI agree. The last photograph is great. I love a good storm.
ReplyDeleteWe had drenching rain here last night. The kind with little drops that just soak everything.
t-awesome pics as always. Dr. Andy (non-degreed witch doctor)sez time will heal chest/ribs and hopefully shoulder if you didn't separate anything. Real docs don't really do anything for cracked or fractured ribs because you can't "set" em. They DO prescribe painkillers...sorry, all I can do is say drink! Stay thirsty, my friend.
ReplyDeleteMC, Hows your move to Terlingua going? Have you heard back from the perspective employers? I noticed the lodge is looking for a bookkeeper now.
ReplyDeleteFrann, Im on my way out there in a few weeks maybe I'll catch a storm or two when I make it.
Tffnguy, I tried to call a little bit ago. Wanted to let you know I have those 2 battery operated fans in the storage. U can hook em up if ya want to get a cool breeze in the dungeon.
OGT, I can take the storms, but the hail hitting the roof on this dungeon is almost ear splitting! It wasn't even that big. I hate to think what it would be like with golf ball sized or bigger.
ReplyDeletepipsqeek, I think we got over two inches of rain and then the hail along with it. The wind was plenty high to, but nothing like the night the barn went away.
Andy V, I've never had broken ribs before, but if that's what it is then I sure don't like it! I do pretty good now until I get in to one of my coughing spells and then it is pure murder!
OGT, I can only get voice mail through my MJ email account and can't use the phone. The inverter I bought was screwed up and burned out my cordless phone and the non wireless one my sister sent me has a bad cord so I can't use it either. :( I'm getting by as is, but have discovered the pump on the evap is an energy hog. Maybe using a setup like John has to only run it some would help.
On another note I've been trying to catch up on my blogging and this bucket used for a stool sure is getting rough on the rear so its about time to get off of the internet!
Ha ha you got bucket butt. I saved a chair from the dumpster , Ill bring it with me
ReplyDeleteI don't expect to hear anything from Lajitas Resort until June ... that's when they said they'd start hiring.
ReplyDelete(((G'night, Tffnguy!)))
OGT, no room in here for a chair. That's why I use the bucket. It doesn't take up much space, is the right height, its light and easily moved around. I may see about coming up with some kind of pad to put on top of it.
ReplyDeleteGood morning MC. ;) Hope you've gotten over the worry about you and your girls moving down here?
Not sure how to answer that question...............
ReplyDeleteDidn't really mean it as a question MC. Just a statement, but I can see how it could be taken for a question.
ReplyDeleteOh, okay, gotcha.
Not sure how to respond to that statement..........
GIRLS! ;) Just never mind and go look at the picture of Pepper's new hangout I posted. :)
ReplyDeleteNow THAT is adorable ... hilarious ... LOVE IT!
((thank you))
Glad to hear that you are taking it easy. Please give yourself time to heal before taking on anything strenuous.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I think that the picture of the moon between the cloulds is as great as the storm pictures.
I am ramping up my project to move out your way. I am scanning the internet looking for all available land that is for sale. Just had one cataract eye surgery and will have another one a week from Monday, so that is putting a dampener on the project. Hope to see you again, soon.
Dizzy-Dick, I'm taking as easy as I can, but there is stuff that has to be done around here so I don't have much choice but to do it. I'm going to have to have a path to get the RV to where it will be parked and a cleared space for it so I'm doing a little grubbing early in the morning and in the evening and trying to keep from over doing it. I should have that done by the end of the month when Dale brings it down here.
ReplyDeleteLook forward to seeing you again and maybe we can spend a little more time together next time. Hope you can find some land you like out this way.
Pepper!! That is not very ladylike!
ReplyDeleteQuestion. I have been looking at the are on google maps and see a large building about 1.5 to 2 miles north of the Terlinqua Ranch Road. Is that a factory or is that the American Leagon? There is a parcel of land to the west of that building that is for sell. Might want to look at it.
ReplyDeleteYou tell her frann! ;)
ReplyDeleteDizzy-Dick, there is a place for sale about where you are talking about. More than likely it is on the east side of 118 and has a BUNCH of water catchment tanks and a pretty large wind generator on what looks like about a 70 foot tower. I think it also has a bunch of solar, but I'm not sure. If that is the place then it borders 118 and should be 24/7 365 day access in all weather. I hear it has been up for sale several times. Might even be on/off grid? That is a very short hop from the Grub Shack and about 2 miles from my place.
how ya feeling buddy? have you healed up yet?
ReplyDeleteDizzyD.....I think you may be referring to the big metal bldg on the west side of 118 about 2 miles north of the Ranch Rd. Looks to be a former factory/warehouse that is no longer in biz...I think someone is living there now.
OGT, I'm pretty sure I have a rib or maybe more than one broke so I guess its going to take a good while to heal. Not sure about the shoulder, but I figure a torn rotor cuff? If so that may take a long time to get over to. :(
ReplyDeleteDizzy-Dick, Littlefoot may be right. I didn't know that place was for sale though. I think they used to make some sort of chemicals or something. I'm probably going to head south and take a shower because the water here won't have a chance to get hot for a shower before I have to go to the legion. I'll take the camera and take pictures of both places.
I just updated the Blog about the Memorial Day bash at the legion and another surprise. ;)
Dizzy-Dick, I added a couple of pictures to this thread. One of the place I was talking about and one of the place Littlefoot was talking about. Hope that helps?