Sorry... No pictures this time. I'm trying to get ready for the return trip and still have a lot to do. I've managed to accomplish a lot while here thanks to the help from family. With me being sick and not feeling much like working on the falcon my brother in law did most of the work of replacing the radiator hose and adding the thermostat so I now have heat in the old bird. Also got the exhaust leaks fixed on both sides rather then the one I thought was the only side leaking. Got a small dish that should improve the internet connection from my cousin, some cooking utensils I bought and was given by my sister, Food from my aunt and some I bought at wally world. Also got my mom's old microwave that had been stored at my sister's house. There is an 8 foot dish I could have for the cell phone hot spot, but just no room on the trailer for it. The generator/battery charger is finished and functional. I hope to get to Lowe's early in the morning to load up on the stuff to finish up the Iron Dungeon along with a good heater and spare propane tank so I will have a backup. The turkey cooker will be moved outside for making my morning coffee and to cook on until the tank is needed for backup heating. Hopefully I'll get back down there early enough to make a showing toward getting the place nice and cozy for tomorrow night. I'm feeling a good bit better after taking antibiotics. If I don't watch out the Iron Dungeon is liable to become a lot closer to a home.
Wow, you did accomplish alot. going back so soon though? lookin forward to seeing the dish in action.
ReplyDeleteExcellent! Glad you're feeling better, and are about to get back to it.
ReplyDeleteHey, get a photo of the Falcon and the trailer all loaded up just prior to your departure, or just as you arrive back to the land before you unload, so's we all can have a look at your rig and cargo. I think it would be interesting.
Good luck & have a safe trip.
Sorry Allen, I didn't think about that and didn't check the blog before I left. I already had most of the stuff besides the building material unloaded before I saw your message. I did add a couple of pictures though. My first priority was to get the old dish back up where I could check in, but I couldn't get it zeroed in like I had had it before so was barely able to check email. Second priority before dark was to get the charger hooked up and working and I just barely got that done. The first picture is of it doing its thing and it does it real good. The camera did a good job of stop action though because the charger is actually running at probably around 2000 RPM.
ReplyDeleteThis morning's first priority was to get the new dish up and zeroed in, but it is only close now, but much better connection. I think it will do a lot better when I get it tweaked out. The little heater I bought worked so good that I had to leave it off last night. It heated this place up way to fast even on the lowest setting so... I had another cold morning in here. 37 degrees when I got up about 6:30. At least it didn't take it long to get it comfortable in here before I had to turn it off again.
yay, no more worries of you freezin. You said you had 4 batts working now? or more? how lond does it take to charge them up on yer machine and how long do your batts last before you need to charge them up again?
ReplyDeleteOGT, I ran it an hour yesterday because I'd used the batteries without a charge for 3 days before I left. Don't know if they lost any charge while I was gone or not, but I figured the ALT would start kicking in and out like its doing now when they got fully charged. It didn't so I've run it for an hour and 26 minuted now so am about to shut it down. I'll see each time I charge them from now on how long it takes it to fully charge them. BTW I gave them hell last night by keeping the lap top on charge (for all the good it does) and also burned the real light until late as well as several other things that were charging off of them.