This happened about 2 miles from the dungeon. Sure glad it waited until then because it was a straight lever part of 118. Could have been real bad coming down or going up one of the steep winding mountain roads! Anyway that pretty well does in my trip to Alpine tomorrow because the only spare I have has some of the steel belts showing through and I don't want to take a chance on having another blowout between here and there without a spare. Matter of fact I'm not too comfortable about making it the 18 miles back to Study Butte to try and find a tire there or not. I don't know if the only garage there even sells tires or not? Looks like I'll be relying on the trike for a while before RN or Dale get down here. Bad part is that I doubt that these newer tires have over 3000 miles on them.
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ReplyDeleteare you sharing billy bobs black cloud?
ReplyDeleteFran, I think I'll pass on the high dollar tires. Its is a very wide tire and I'll have to match the other one with a new one the same size to be able to run the other one. I'm sure it will be expensive enough at a place like Discount tire (If they even have one in Alpine)
ReplyDeleteOGT some times I think black clouds follow me all the time.
The wind genny is doing its thing now so maybe I can stretch the gas more. For now its a pretty cool wind so that helps the heat situation in here to. Just 86 degrees in here now.
Poor little tire ... how sad :(
ReplyDeleteDavid, for the tire fund. Dennis
ReplyDeleteMC, I gave it a good thrashing for doing that to me. BTW the lady that wants a pool match with you lined me up with a place to buy tires, so that will be taken care off. You bring the fried taters with onion, she will bring the beans and I'll bring the efedra tea. ;) or booze? Just kidding! (about the tators and beans of course) And ephedra tea.
ReplyDeletedenniswalker, I appreciate that, but it was unnecessary!
Glad that happened close to the dungeon as well. Send me the size and I'll check out all the places around here. We have 3 or 4 used tire shops just up the road. I've gotten a few tires from them before and you can get a decent tire most of the time. Let me know and maybe we can atleast get you a serviceable spare. Discount tire has shops in Midland and Odessa, but nothing closer than that to you.
ReplyDeleteAbout right Dale. I know there was a warranty on the tires, but don't know where they papers would be after the move. I got them at Discount tire in Plano. Oh well... That's the way things go. I'll go see what they have at the place Sunny told me about and go from there. They are low profile 15"x 8" wide tires so chance of finding a used one around here is probably out. Now the trick will me to get a usable tire that will get me to a place where I can get one of the same size.
ReplyDeleteIf it has so little miles on it, why not approach the place you purchased it and ask for a warranty replacement.
ReplyDeleteI think that's only fair since tyres are pretty damn dependable these days. It's not like it's the 1940's and we're dealing with cross ply made of paper mach é.
I'd be pretty dirty about having a tyre blow that soon.
If you got the road hazard warranty at ANY Discount Tire, the info is stored in their computer under your phone number. No need for paperwork. I got warranty replacement for a tire I had bought in Houston after I moved to Midland. If you only got the standard tread-wear warranty, you'll be out of luck because it doesn't cover that kind of side wall damage.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it's worth a phone call to see if they have your warranty info in the computer. If you can work something out with the Discount Tire location nearest my Midland apartment I wouldn't mind bringing the tire(s) to you. It would be listed either as Billingsly Blvd or North Loop 250.
What Just Me said is right, Discount Tire should have you in their computer, nationwide. Just let me know what you need.
ReplyDeletePip, The nearest Discount tire is about 220 miles away.
ReplyDeleteJust Me, Thanks for the offer. If I can get around a place that my cell phone will work I'll check in to it. I got a recall notice from Discount tire before I left Plano which was for valve stems and not tires, but I never took them back to get them changed. That could effect it? Also I doubt that I got the road hazard deal because I didn't figure at the time I'd be driving the car much. That was before I had to make the decision to leave. I might have though so would have to call them to find out. Eventually I'll be making a trip to Odessa so if I can find a couple of serviceable tires here I may get them and then when I'm in Odessa try to get something done about the tire (If its covered)
Dale, I'll go to the used tire place here Monday and see what he has. Its just about a half mile past the grub shack so it isn't like having to drive the 18 miles in to Study Butte.
Ok, glad you won't have to use that spare much. Let me know, hope have a good day and the weather treats you right.
ReplyDeletewhat is the tire size and do u want more than 1 ill start lookin at the used tire shops
ReplyDeleteDale, the weather was nice enough that I was able to weld up a solid mount for the makeshift satellite dish /internet receiver and now I can forget about having to tweak it when the wind blows. If it moves now this container will be moving with it. ;) Now the wind is howling again though. At least the wind god was good enough to let me get finished with the dish first.
ReplyDeleteRN, the tire that blew out is a 225/50R15 and I would need another one that size to be able to keep using the other one. That could make it real hard to find a match, but if you could that will be good. I'll go to the place Sunny told me about Monday and see what they have. Probably no chance of finding a match down here, but I'll probably take my other old mag with the other blow out there and at least try to get a good spare. Maybe if I could find a good set of two I'd have the tire that's in bad shape changed out to and run the other newer tire as a spare until I can get a match for it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this would help the high temp in the dungeon. I like it as it is a closed system and wouldnt use much water.
frann, unless you kept putting ice in that cooler then it wouldn't work long. It wouldn't take long to melt the ice either. All that would do is heat up the contents of the cooler to room temperature and then it would be blowing room temperature air. Using ice could get expensive in a hurry. Reason I know this is because I was an HVAC mechanic for 30 years. HVAC= Heating Cooling and Ventilation or if you like a heating and cooling service person.
ReplyDeleteThere are ways to make two stage evaporative coolers that would work very well down here. I'll build one when I have all the materials and time and post how its done.