Saw a neighbor to be at the legion yesterday afternoon and he brought up that he had bought 5 acres of land a half mile west of me. Problem he has is that he don't like to see the top of the trailer because he says it messes up his view of 9 Points Mesa? See the red arrow in the first picture pointing to what he sees from there. He hasn't even build yet.
Believe it or not he actually wants me to put military camouflage on the top or paint it the same color as the mountain behind it so he can't see it. Of course he also doesn't like the view from the other side either. see below picture) Not sure what he wants them to do???
Now.... What DO You say to someone like that?
Chilly Day
It was a nice day overall for a chilly windy day. We hit up the Beach Park
for the morning walk but it was way too cold for th...
1 hour ago
Laugh. Seriously, not a word.
ReplyDeleteRose, I'd have to agree with you, "go pound sand" is to many. That's pretty petty alright, like the man said, "there's a sucker born every minute". It's amazing what some folks expect.
ReplyDeletePeople are so silly ... really, they are :(
ReplyDeleteOffer to sell him your land and price it right for you, then he can do what he wants with it.
ReplyDeleteyou can't please everyone so you got to please your self. < think that was a lyric in song
ReplyDeleteTell him to move closer to 9
Point on the East side of 118,
Don't want to sell the land and if he moves on the other side of 118 he might have to live on the side of 9 points so no trailers will be between him and it. ;)
ReplyDeleteWait till you put up the Christmas Lights like John Wells does each year! :-)
ReplyDeleteA good silver metallic paint job would reflect better!
No matter what you do, it won't be enough for someone like him. You should not pay him any attention, it's you land. You are just ahead of him in line!
I'm sorry you have to deal with this, D. Idjits are everywhere, I guess. The last place I thought they'd be was around Study Butte. Either ignore him or sic that mean-a$$ Pepper on him! I'm also sorry she ate up your stuff. She'll grow out of it, you'll see. 10 years from now she'll be your best friend and you will laff at it all. Best of luck thru this! We're all pulling for you!
ReplyDeleteWhat Ben said. If he wants to dictate the views, he can buy up ALL the land around his own and make the view what ever he likes. Or he can put up a wall or plant something to block his view of anything he deems unpleasant. Heck, I wouldn't even notice your RV in that pic if you didn't have the big red arrow pointing at it.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I'm concerned the matter is over. He will have to deal with it the best he can. John's Christmas lights sound good. ;)
ReplyDeleteWell Abby, he lived on the same road going south from the corner of your property. Probably about a quarter mile away. Do your dogs bark a lot?;)
ReplyDeleteTell him just wait till your two story condo goes up with a viewing deck on top just for observing 9 points, that ought to fix him
ReplyDeleteHell, don't send him east of 118, he will be all over me. Tell him "nice to meet you" and walk away.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I could put up a drive in theater. ;) Imax would probably do it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe suggest he also pay some of your bills if he wishes to dictate your homestead? Here in the north that type of person is pretty common. Maybe consider blaze orange? I suggest that guy sell his place and perhaps buy land where there is no one around!
ReplyDeleteDid you tell him he was messing up YOUR view that direction?
ReplyDeleteSmall minded can't help but obsess over the little things that don't really matter. You have a trailer out there, it's between him and 9 Points. He's choosing to obsess over your trailer being within his view. He can also choose to ignore your trailer and really see what he's looking at. It's probably too late for him, so now all he'll see is the trailer because he has fixated on it.
ReplyDeleteI hope he doesn't become a pain in your keister.
Scavenger, he is from up north.
ReplyDeleteShadowmoss, didn't think about that, but guess I'll have to wait until he builds to do that.
czardastx, if so I'll deal with it.
BTW a few clicks to the right my nearest neighbor's house can be seen, straight south Bill & Karen's place can be seen, north before long Abby's place will be seen. Geee.... This could sell a lot of camouflage! ;)
ReplyDeleteDang David, if it is getting so crowded down there that you can't see the mountain, maybe I should re-consider moving down your way. . . (grin)
ReplyDeleteWell Dizzy-Dick, just make sure you don't get land west of me or you'll never be able to see 9 Points because of the trailer.
ReplyDeletetffnguy I ran across your blog the other day by chance and like any good story, you've got to start at the beginning. I really like what you've done and look forward to reading more. I actually own my own little 40-acre stretch but it's on the other side of 118.
ReplyDeleteSon of Liberty, Always good to have new good people join in.
ReplyDeleteStill laughing. Glad I have no neighbors to complain about my place when I get my trailer out there.
ReplyDeleteThe American Legion is under fire again, See latest thread. Meanwhile its more rain, high wind and this trailer rock'in and Roll'in.
ReplyDeleteAs Bill Engvall would say: "Here's your sign." :)
ReplyDeleteOr maybe he could build a big wall and commission a giant painting of Nine Point so he could look at that.
RV Rover, That painting would probably have to be a giant wraparound panorama view to suit him. ;) Then I guess it could be anyplace on earth he really wanted to live.
ReplyDeleteI'd paint a middle-finger salute just for him on top of the trailer.
ReplyDeleteThat's a thought Ginger. ;)
ReplyDeleteI saw that someone on the road that goes to the lodge had camo netting over their camper. I thought it was neat looking and bet it helped keep the camper cooler. Maybe since this new neighbor suggested camo, he can buy it for you and help you install it. Would be an asset for you...shade friendly sort of stuff. Just a thought...and I know the fella won't be willing...but put the ball back in his court if he starts in again. His idea, his expense, his time and energy....that should shut him up.
ReplyDeleteThe new landowner knew what the view was BEFORE he bought. Tell him he will just have to live with it. Poor fellow...poor baby! So much bullshit we have to contend with! And why? I have everyone mad at me, seems, for I don't put up with idiots, not for one minute.