Saturday, December 5, 2009

I'm Connected!


Finally got a cellphone so now I have some contact with the outside world other than the internet. I'd planned to go out to the new land and take more pictures today, but now that I have the cellphone I find that I'm sort of tied here for now since I'm expecting a couple of calls. I guess maybe I'll try to make it out there tomorrow and hope for a clear sky so I can get some decent photos. I also want to try and pinpoint the corners as best I can with the GPS and scope out where I want to live on it. I'm hoping to be able to get something out  there by mid month next month so I can move on the land, but that's yet to be seen.

And an Update
I finally found and ordered a new radiator for the falcon which is good because the old one is getting worse all the time. (Fill it up before going to the land and fill it up before I come back.) It sure will be nice to quit spending $ on antifreeze! I may hold off on going back out there until I get the new radiator and get it installed, because its getting a little scarier each time I go out there wondering if I'll have a total failure or not.


  1. The shot of your land looks great but the soil looks more rocky. Hopfully you can find some dirt suitable to plant in.

    As far as getting connected, it looks like only Verizon might cover your area. If it is Verizon you might be able to get your internet through them for cheaper than the satellite company.

  2. There is soil on it, but there are a lot of small chips of rock mixed in. (At least on top. That doesn't bother me though. If I grow anything on the new land it will probably be in pots and in a greenhouse like I did in Plano. If I do any farming it will probably be on the other land.

  3. Oh and for the cellphones. I don't think Verizon or any of the others works out there. There is one oddity though and its a cafe called Suzy's Snack Shack which is a ways down from the Grub Shack on the same road. It is a cellphone zone and I think the only place out there out that happens at. I guess it just happens to be in the right spot for the signals?

  4. If this cell phone zone is not far away you might be able to use a "booster" so your cell does work there. One bad sign about actually being in a cell zone is that development is not far behind. From reading some blogs of people who travel through your area I had heard that some of these devices actually work well, just need a little more research.

  5. Its about 4.5 miles away. I will try the cell the next time I go to the land just to see. Would be nice, but I'm not expecting it to work.

  6. That was great to get property close to the road and with a usable drive way. congrats!!! did you get it from the same source or did you buy it from someone else?

  7. Same source so I guess now they have an ambassador down here. :) Once I get the new radiator in the falcon I'll go out and see if I can get you a few pictures of your land IF the roads aren't too bad.


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