Thanks one more time to a tip from Just Me I should have a container on the land by the 15th of next month which should mean I can MOVE there. Not sure exactly when they can have it there, but he said some time between the 3rd and 15th. Hopefully closer to the 3rd than the 15th to give me time to build the insert. Yeah... the picture of the container on the land is a spoof to.

Yipee!!! Glad to see that the tip worked out and you're getting your container so quickly!
ReplyDeleteI like your "muscle car", I have a 72 Cutlass sitting in my garage in Houston with a dead battery and low tires that I would love to bring to Del Rio but the cost is prohibited so it will have to stay there for a while.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you will get your container soon and can finally move out of the high rent district.
Just Me, That is only if someone who has one leased tells them to take it. He seemed confident that would be the case, but if not I guess its business as usual around BBMI. I was getting in such a hurry that I just assumed. Sure hope that's the way it goes!
ReplyDeleteMsBelinda, I like all classic cars, I just happened to have the falcon when I started my web site so that is why I started the Falcon site. 4000+ members strong and that covers at least 18 countries. If I'd have started it for all classic cars back then (11 years ago) no telling how many members I'd have, but I like it the way it is.
You had me going there for a minute with that photo of the container. Hope it gets there soon.
ReplyDeleteIf I can't get it there by the 15th then it looks like I'll be stuck here for another month and I sure don't want that to happen. There won't be much other choice though.
ReplyDeleteI will be going to terlingua around dec 28-29 to try and find a 10ac tract i got on ebay in 2004 ive never been out there any hints on what to do to find this tract (4203) thanks jw
ReplyDeletelook at the POATRI website scroll down to near the bottom of the home page and find the link for "tract maps". Unless you also know what Block and Section the tract is in, it's kinda random guess to find it on the tract maps. You can get a rough guess of the coordinates from the tract maps and use Google Earth to figure out if there are roads that will get you to it.
Just Me pretty well nailed it. Good luck you will probably need all of it you can get. A 4x4 vehicle to look for it in sure wouldn't hurt either.
ReplyDeleteCuriosity got the better of me and I had to take a look since you mentioned your tract number. Yours should be pretty easy to find. From the intersection of Hwy 118 and Legion Rd, head east on Legion Rd a mile and an eighth, turn south and your northwest corner will be to your east. It's probably over a year since I've been down that way. I remember some of the North/South roads that cross legion road being washed pretty badly, but I think they were further off the highway.
I'll be in the area those dates if you want to give me a call. Terlingua exchange 2996.
Being how Just Me pointed out the general location here you go. Map to 4203 Follow Yellow Line The yellow line should get you there. That is Legion Rd. Also looks like your land is right at 1 1/8 mile directly east of my new land and probably about the same directly north of my other land.
ReplyDeleteI was looking at a larger picture of that Google Aerial and you might notice that there was a fire on that property at the time that aerial was made. Not sure how long ago that was though? Looks like it got at least part of your property and the one north of it. It also looks like the fire may have started on the other side of the road and spread east. See: Fire on JW's Land
ReplyDeleteAs far as I can tell the coordinates below should put you somewhere around the road in front of your property (If you will be using a GPS) 29°37'5.72"N 103°33'13.72"W The tract map is probably off and your property line would probably really be from 60 to 100 feet further north (as Just Me would probably tell you.)
No fire. Just clouds. Those "blackened" places to the west of the clouds are just the shadows cast by the clouds. I spent lots of time with aerial photographs and satellite images when I was doing environmental work. An expert could use the clouds and shadows to estimate the time of day the image was recorded.
ReplyDeleteI can see how it looks like a fire, though. You'd be surprised how easy it is to misinterpret these type of images. Early in my environmental career, I got all excited over a property I was assessing because it had what I though were little pits dug in half a dozen places randomly through a big open field and I though there was some illegal dumping going on. Turned out it wasn't pits at all, it was those big round hay bales, but I swear they looked like depressions.
After looking at it again from that perspective it looks like you may be right, but it seems strange that when zoomed out to eye level of 37 km there are no other clouds anywhere. Oh well... I guess when JW gets down here he can confirm which is real and which is the illusion. ;)
ReplyDeletedo you know any wells in the midland odessa aera ?